Getting Mentally Tough With Every Mile
Briana Sullivan Briana Sullivan

Getting Mentally Tough With Every Mile

I get asked "why" I run all the time. The first thing that comes to mind for me is because I love being outside and now, I get to see way more in a shorter amount of time! But even deeper than that is that trail running has made me so, so, so much tougher. Mentally, I am able to accept things, logically face things and come up with solutions when previously, I would crumble, hold things internally and let them effect me very deeply. Mental toughness is a quality that can be molded, like a beautiful piece of pottery, over time. What does it take to start working on your mental toughness? Discomfort.

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I Am A Woman Who Trail Runs & Camps Alone: Thoughts on Safety & Doing Things Solo

I Am A Woman Who Trail Runs & Camps Alone: Thoughts on Safety & Doing Things Solo

After sharing that I camped and trail ran solo for nearly 2 months alone in Colorado I got many questions from fellow women about how I did it while feeling safe. Was I scared? Did I bring weapons? How did I get over fears of being stranded or attached or worse?

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