Ultra-Runners Don’t Look Like That
body image, trail running, running Briana Sullivan body image, trail running, running Briana Sullivan

Ultra-Runners Don’t Look Like That

Maybe, when you close your eyes and think of a runner, a specific image comes to mind. Tall, lean, long legs. I don’t fit that mold. My background is in gymnastics, bodybuilding and crossfit. I have quite a bit of muscle in comparison to what, I assume, this man thinks an ultra-runner does look like. Now, this translates into so many other things. Women who are bigger, women who have thighs that touch, who are pregnant or postpartum, who are shorter, who are older, women who have bigger busts or bigger butts, wide hips, stranger gaits, women who are Black, Indigenous, Asian, Indian….literally anything that doesn’t fit that preconceived notion of what a runner should look like.

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From 5k to Ultra:                        My Personal Journey to Endurance Races
trail running, ultra running Briana Sullivan trail running, ultra running Briana Sullivan

From 5k to Ultra: My Personal Journey to Endurance Races

Before 2018 I didn't even know trail running existed. What I did know was running on treadmills, tracks and roads -- all of which I loathed and didn't enjoy at all. I can recall running one color run in college and running up to 6 miles on the treadmill and that was the totality of my running expertise. When I started dating someone who trail ran I was mind blown that people willingly and happily ran up and down mountains for hours and hours at a time. Sometimes in questionable weather, sometimes without sleeping, sometimes with their bodies being pushed to the limit. My mind further imploded when I realized people ran trails for longer than 26.2 miles. Longer than 30 miles.

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Getting Mentally Tough With Every Mile
Briana Sullivan Briana Sullivan

Getting Mentally Tough With Every Mile

I get asked "why" I run all the time. The first thing that comes to mind for me is because I love being outside and now, I get to see way more in a shorter amount of time! But even deeper than that is that trail running has made me so, so, so much tougher. Mentally, I am able to accept things, logically face things and come up with solutions when previously, I would crumble, hold things internally and let them effect me very deeply. Mental toughness is a quality that can be molded, like a beautiful piece of pottery, over time. What does it take to start working on your mental toughness? Discomfort.

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5 Things I Take On Every Trail Run
Briana Sullivan Briana Sullivan

5 Things I Take On Every Trail Run

Frequent readers will know that Western Africa is one of my favorite parts of the world, so my expectations were already high when I secured a lift to Bamako.

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Do Weight Lifting & Trail Running Go Together?
Briana Sullivan Briana Sullivan

Do Weight Lifting & Trail Running Go Together?

If you're trying to figure out how to balance out lifting and running, I am still working on it. What I can say is: you should do both. Cross-training is really important for becoming a strong, well-rounded athlete and also helps you to stay injury-free. If you consider what you're doing on the trails, you'll realize just how many muscles you're actually working. The act of trail running demands different muscle usage along with uneven, varied terrain with a lot of ups and downs, which means you're using different sources of power all the time.

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I Am A Woman Who Trail Runs & Camps Alone: Thoughts on Safety & Doing Things Solo

I Am A Woman Who Trail Runs & Camps Alone: Thoughts on Safety & Doing Things Solo

After sharing that I camped and trail ran solo for nearly 2 months alone in Colorado I got many questions from fellow women about how I did it while feeling safe. Was I scared? Did I bring weapons? How did I get over fears of being stranded or attached or worse?

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